17th Street Automotive Driveability Diagnostic Menu


Drivability Diagnostic Menu

Level One: (recommend 1-2 hours of DIAG rate)

Labor to perform a Level ONE Diagnostic includes:

Check Engine Light/Warning Light diagnostic includes scanning of ALL computer modules for codes on OBD II equipped vehicles, record, prioritize and interpret trouble codes, save Freeze Frame Data, Verify TSBs/Recalls, Intelligent Diagnostic Procedures, eliminate common AllData/Mitchell/Identifix issues, watch Mode $06 Data and writing/research estimates for required repairs, PRE and Post Test drive (5-10 miles *longer if needed/overnight*) vehicle will always be done to verify repairs. Vehicle does not have any other symptoms such as rough running, stalling, or hesitating. Some OBD 1 (models up to 1994 and some 1995) models are higher priced due to additional labor procedures involved in extracting codes from computers -See Level Two diagnostic menu.  

Level Two: (recommend 1.5-2.5 hours of DIAG rate)

Labor to perform a Level TWO drivability diagnostic inspection includes:

Level One diagnosis above included, but the vehicle also has symptoms such as stalling, rough running, hesitation, etc... Perform Relative Compression Test (via Lab scope) and Combustion Leak Test, IF necessary, PRE and POST Test drive vehicle. Monitor various sensor readings from scanner data and Lab Scope diagnosis when required. Limited testing included at this level. Most OBD I (models up to 1994 and some 1995) models check engine light diagnoses included at this level. Some OBD I models (models up to 1994 and some 1995) are higher priced due to additional labor procedures involved in extracting codes from computers.

Level Three: (recommend 3 hours of DIAG rate)

Labor to perform a Level Three drivability diagnostic inspection includes: 

Level One and Two Diagnosis are included in the package, but the customer states that the drivability symptoms are INTERMITTENT but states the exact condition the symptom occurs.  The symptoms can be duplicated on a regular and predictable basis.  A check engine light may or may not be associated with the symptom.  Vehicles also have symptoms such as stalling, rough running, hesitation, etc.… PRE and POST Test drive vehicle to verify repair.

Level Four: (recommend 4-6 hours of DIAG rate, guarantee regardless of actual)

Labor to perform a Level Four drivability diagnostic inspection includes:

Diagnostic levels 1-3 INCLUDED but the problem is VERY INTERMITTENT, multiple noises, multiple issues, multiple DTC's and requires additional labor time to duplicate the symptom and for LAB Scope testing, includes PCM back probing to verify powers/grounds, Identify CAN/BUS. Breakout box systems, Electrical open/shorts drains, any unsolved mysteries, multiple local shop visit with no solution, customer/mechanic friend messing around with vehicle initially, X-Files type situation (ask management for details)  

Level Five: (recommend 5-8 hours of DIAG rate, guarantee regardless of actual)

Labor to perform a Level Five drivability diagnostic inspection includes:

High Pressure Dual Fuel/Diesel Systems, ADAS/AI Software Issues, Adaptive Cruise Control Systems Hybrid Engine Prius (high voltage systems), All Electric Vehicle (high voltage systems) Issues, Alternative/Hydrogen Fuel Cell Diagnostics  

*NOTE - DIAGNOSTIC FEES ARE NOT APPLIED TOWARD REPAIRS.  Our technicians work hard to maintain certifications, stay up to date with older/latest technology, invest in person/online classes, update our tools/equipment, and dedication.